• GIFs

    Endless thanks to the talented and creative Eric Suliga for designing this flyer!!!! I’m absolutely in love with it! Feb 28 6-8pm save the date! We’re going bowling!  $20 at the door. Free bowling, shoe rental, and chips & salsa. All…

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    When I’m climbing a goliath-of-a-hill and my legs start to give out.

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    What I felt like when I overheard someone comment, “Look at her,” on this snowy run. Then what I did to every runner I passed motivating me to get out there. 

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    My trail for the day. <3

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    When I see people training in snowpocalypse #Nemo.

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    We hit the $1,300 mark!!!! I just want to do a happy dance right now for all of you who have supported me on this journey so far. We are climbing and taking steps toward a cure. THANK YOU and…

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    After a long run.

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    When I realize I have to get up early on the weekend to fit in my long run.

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    First team meeting with Dana-Farber. Met some truly inspiring individuals.

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    What I feel like pounding the pavement when Boston throws some obnoxious wind my way.