Legends of Running: Bobbi Gibb The First Woman to Run the Boston Marathon
Bobbi taught me what it looks like to lace up for a starting line and let love be your driving force. Help us commemorate this bold runner and pioneer for women’s running by donating to the 26.2 Foundation. Elise:…
Boston Marathon 2015
It’s been a little over a month since the marathon and I’ve been soaking in the love from this season and working on my thank-you’s to all of you! Marathon Weekend The night before the race, Dana-Farber holds a pasta…
THE LONGEST RUN | Mar 28 | Here’s Good
The Longest Run. PRPs. And Taper Time. Miles: 20 Song in my head: Break Free by Ariana Grande because I can’t get enough of that kid Brunch food motivation: Eggs. Of the homemade kind. This is my favorite training run. Runners from…
LONG RUN | Jan 31 | The Frozen Tundra
Snot rockets, rock hard shot blocks, Gatorade slushies, and 2 Heartbreak Hills Miles: 16 Song in my head: The entire Frozen soundtrack because that was the only way to describe my entire body Brunch Food Motivation: Bacon The weather app read…
Mileage Higher than the Temperature
Our mileage outshot the temp outside (like by a lot). 13 and 14 miles on the books. Temp somewhere around “Holy s#!@ it’s cold out” and “can someone make sure my legs are still there?” In the words of Tim:…
ekovi: #tbt left pic from 2013 training and right pic from 2014. Some things don’t change. Thanks Heartbreak Bill for pushing us back on the course during this winter training. Knowing you’ll be there cheering on these blistery, cold long…
Yeah, something like that. People always ask what goes through your mind when you’re running. This is about right. I’m no Rob Thomas, but I’ll admit to belting out a few lyrics. Rocky Balboa is my go-to. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
5 days. I’m comin’ for you, Heartbreak Hill.
When I saw we were bumped over the 4k mark! $4,160.99!!! THANK YOU, Crystal!! You inspire me with your endless positivity. spirit, and giving heart!! Good luck on your race too and kick some Triathalon bootay. (I realize there’s a…
When I want to eat everything in sight during taper time.